Elements of Faith V1: Hydrogen to Tin

Richard Duncan
New Leaf Publishing Group

The periodic table of elements presented as never before! The tiniest elements that make up the world and ourselves are more than just scientific odds and ends. Each and every one is an opportunity to celebrate the power, wisdom, order, and ingenuity of our Creator! Elements of Faith, Volume 1 examines the first 50 elements of the Periodic Table and finds meaningful insights and spiritual applications in each of them. A look at the elements can teach many lessons from the awesomeness of God's creation to the dedication of many God-fearing scientists who have been so influential in the history of science. Each Entry in Elements of Faith is presented in the following format: Data: Interesting facts about each element and a related Scripture passage. Analysis: Discussion of the element's importance in the history of science, in everyday life, or even in the Bible itself Reaction: A life lesson based on the unique qualities of each element Application: Inspiration to put these spiritual insights into practice in the believer's life. Sample questions and simple experiments are also sprinkled throughout this book. In Elements of Faith, Volume 1, author Richard Duncan examines the special qualities of each element and shares stories from history, science, and the Bible to create a unique devotional guide. God created the elements, the atomic building blocks of the universe, to fit into an intelligent and orderly pattern, which we refer to as the Periodic Table."